Claims, Substantiation & Ethical Marketing with Carys Smith

The cosmetics industry can be a difficult industry to break into. You can have the most effective skincare formulations available, but finding a niche in this entrenched space? Can seem as hit or miss as winning the lottery. Having amazing products is rarely enough, they need to tell compelling stories, reach through the noise and appeal to different audiences in order to make the sale. In comes your brand claims and this week's episode, which featured claims expert Carys Smith, who is the current regulatory and sales director over at Ayton Global Research, a company who helps brands with their claims substantiation. Despite some misconceptions online, claims are regulated, and no, companies can not just say what they want. In this conversation, we dove into what a claim is, what the different types of claims out there include, and what is the level of evidence behind them, regulatory enforcement from region to region, brands falling through the regulatory cracks, what claims we deem as ‘unethical’ and why, a general how-to for brands to effectively make compliant claims, and a run down for consumers for what to look for with respect to noncompliance. Enjoy the show!

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