Consider the following: critical thinking in the misinformation age.

Consider the following: critical thinking in the misinformation age. This episode featured 3 of my favourite science communicators and activists in Canada, Ryan Armstrong - ED at Bad Science Watch, Samantha Yammine - otherwise known as @science.sam & Jonathan Jarry - science communicator at McGill University and co-host of @thebodyofevidence podcast. To find the full panel discussion, watch our YouTube video here!

From placenta smoothies to “perineum sunning” - jade eggs to vampire facials, there is no denying the uptick of bunk wellness claims in the 2010’s. This kind of noise has a large and measurable impact. Today, studies can find anything. And we’re increasingly confused about what a healthy lifestyle involves. Why do false beliefs continue (and spread) in the face of bad, sometimes even fatal, consequences? Hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!

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