Truth in Beauty panel from Suppliers Day

This episode features the pre-recorded conversation of the scicommer panel I moderated at NYSCC Suppliers Day earlier this month, brought to you by the Independent Beauty Association, and in conversation with Kenton Hipsher, who is on the ingredient supply side of things, Erica Douglas, aka sisterscientist, from the contract manufacturer POV, and Dr Andrea Love from the consumer misinformation impact side of things. This conversation looked at misinformation along the supply chain and production of cosmetic products. Big thank you to the independent Beauty association for spearheading this conversation at conferences, and for continuing to have me as the moderator. This podcast is the season finale for this podcast season - I’ll be back with new episodes in September after the Truth in Beauty E-Summit, a full conference format of this conversation! Stay tuned for details. Enjoy the episode!

DISCLAIMER - the views expressed in this podcast are the views of the panelists and not necessarily the views of the Independent Beauty Association:)

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