Discord Webinar Replay - Finding Credible Information in the Current Infodemic jennifer novakovichDecember 16, 2021Comment
When "Trust in Science" Leads to a Susceptibility to Pseudoscience jennifer novakovichDecember 3, 2021 Comment
Cutting through the noise as a beauty consumer, #beautyscience e-panel replay! jennifer novakovichOctober 5, 2021Comment
#BeautyScience Dish Discord Reply: Finding Credible Information jennifer novakovichJuly 2, 2021Comment
Cosmetic Chemists Dish, Discord Replay - Gate Keeping in Beauty jennifer novakovichJune 22, 2021 Comment
Cosmetic Chemists Dish, Discord Replay - Packaging & the importance of stability testing jennifer novakovichMay 13, 2021Comment
Cosmetic Chemists Dish, Discord Replay - Coming Online (as a cosmetic chemist) jennifer novakovichApril 22, 2021Comment
So you want a career in the cosmetics space? Careers Night E-Panel! jennifer novakovichApril 16, 2021Comment
Cosmetic Chemists Dish, Discord Replay - The Double Edge of Beauty jennifer novakovichApril 16, 2021Comment
Cosmetic Chemists Dish, Discord Replay - Skincare for Skin of Colour jennifer novakovichApril 8, 2021Comment
Discord Live Chat Replay - Surfactants and their misconceptions jennifer novakovichApril 8, 2021Comment
Discord Webinar Replay - Gelling Agents & Cold Process Emulsions jennifer novakovichMarch 26, 2021Comment
Effective Scicomm with Michelle @labmuffin - Discord webinar replay jennifer novakovichMarch 16, 2021Comment