Sustainability in Cosmetics - Panel Replay from SCC Suppliers Day, Brought to you by Clariant jennifer novakovichMay 15, 2024Comment
Diversity and Inclusion, feat Milan Scott @thecosmescientist jennifer novakovichApril 10, 2024Comment
The current state of animal testing in beauty with Barae Jomaa PhD jennifer novakovichMarch 13, 2024Comment
An acne 101 with Dr Mara Evangelista-Huber, AKA @dermomtology jennifer novakovichFebruary 21, 2024Comment
Cosmetic Chemists Reacts: Beauty Trends. Feat. Lanesa Mahon jennifer novakovichNovember 29, 2023Comment
An update on animal testing in cosmetics, featuring Carol Treasure PhD jennifer novakovichNovember 8, 2023Comment
The Rise of Class Action Lawsuits in Beauty with Avril Love jennifer novakovichOctober 11, 2023Comment
State Law: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. With Simone Swafford, DRSc jennifer novakovichJune 7, 2023Comment